Jelt Life Feature with Artist Kirsten Kainz

Jelt Life Feature with Artist Kirsten Kainz - Jelt Belt
In our new Jelt Life Feature we highlight rad Jelters who inspire us. Seeing people wear their Jelts while doing amazing things is what it's all about. Just like we have a story, so does everyone else.
Meet Kirsten Kainz, a local Bozeman artist who is not afraid to use a blow torch. She inspires us to continue to make a product that stands up to a day in her studio and to always support the arts.


JELT: Tell us about yourself.
KIRSTEN: I am an artist and mother of four girls, living in the wilds of Montana. In addition to helping out from time to time at our family Brewery, Map Brewery, I am a full-time artist. I paint and I sculpt with found iron.
Kirsten Kainz, a local Bozeman artist
JELT: Tell us about your artwork.
KIRSTEN: When I paint my goal is to capture the grand aspects of our landscape. I often paint horses into the landscapes because for me they act as metaphoric people which anchor us into the scene.
When I sculpt, I make functional pieces. I primarily create unique animals. These are often large in scale, but sometimes intimate. My aim is to bring out the unique and captivating qualities of the animals that we are fortunate enough to share this world with.
The art of Kirsten Kainz, a local Bozeman artist
Local Bozeman artist, Kirsten Kainz, painting
Kirsten Kainz, a local Bozeman artist
JELT: How do you find your art rewarding?
KIRSTEN: By creating art, I am rewarded when I see it elevating people and opening a space in their mind, which leads to an appreciation for things extremely valuable and beautiful in this world.
Local Bozeman artist, Kirsten Kainz, sculpting
Local Bozeman artist, Kirsten Kainz, sculpting
JELT: Tell us how you like to wear your Jelt belt.
KIRSTEN: I wear my Jelt just about everywhere. I feel that my Jelt has me covered in effortless style and comfort, whether I am flying to Paris to study art or working in my shop while chopping away at some tough iron with my plasma cutter.
Local Bozeman artist, Kirsten Kainz, sculpting
JELT: Where can we follow you and your artwork?
INSTAGRAM: @kirstenkainart

ETSY: montanapaint or