The Best Belt for Skiing? Just ask Montana's Big Sky Ski Patrol.

When Jelt first launched in 2014, our mission was to create a utilitarian product that everyone needs, manufactured in Montana from recycled materials and donate a portion of all sales to worthy causes. Well, that utilitarian product happened to be an elastic belt and it was originally intended for jeans and casual wear—primarily for women. Oh boy, has that ever changed!
Because Jelt is headquartered at the base of the Rocky Mountains in Bozeman, Montana, our utilitarian jean belt quickly morphed into a belt for hiking, biking, golfing, traveling and of course, the best belt for skiing for men, women, children and everyone in between. There are so many fit, outdoor enthusiasts in our town of Bozeman and in our state of Montana, that our product had to meet the needs of our immediate local consumers, as well as customers throughout the Rocky Mountain West.
We knew traction was gaining in the ski world for Jelt belts when Girls Outdoors and Chalet Sports picked up Jelt as their belt brand of choice. Then, momentum for our strong, stretchy elastic belts grew even more when Whitefish Mountain Resort became the first ski resort in Montana to order custom Jelt Venture belts with the Whitefish Mountain logo emblazoned on the buckle to sell in their mountainside ski shop.
The pinnacle of our ski belt success so far was in late October when the accessories buyer for Big Sky Ski Patrol contacted us to request 200 custom Jelt Venture belts for their entire team of patrolers. He mentioned the need for a reliable, sturdy, waterproof, comfortable stretch belt for their team’s ski pants. He researched Jelt as well as many of our belt competitors, but appreciated the quality, local workmanship and sustainability of the Jelt Venture belt over the other brands.
As this season at Big Sky Resort progresses and the patrolers are called to rescue wounded skiers, we here at Jelt HQ, have full confidence that Big Sky Ski Patrol will benefit from the many features of our belts that make them ideal for skiing and all winter sports. We can’t wait to see the photos and hear the stories from Lone Peak and Big Sky Country.