A Guide to a Perfect Spring Break

If you’re anything like my family, we are classic procrastinators, which is rarely a good character trait. Procrastination especially “stings” when it comes to planning Spring Break. As an unwritten rule, we decide last minute where to go for Spring Break; therefore, we pay ungodly amounts for airline travel and lodging. I’m not sure why we haven’t learned by now not to do this, but we haven’t.
To top it off, we live in Bozeman, Montana, a.k.a. “Boze-Angeles”, which might be one of the most expensive places to fly in and out of due to the remoteness of our town and the few airlines that operate here. Regardless, we love Montana, despite the nine months of winter, and its remoteness only becomes an issue when our family is ready for some fun-in-the-sun.
Some of the amazing Spring Break trips we have enjoyed are Sayulita, Mexico; Nosara, Costa Rica; Kona, Hawaii; Ambergris Caye, Belize, and The British Virgin Islands. All of which were amazing, despite the lengthy airline travel, layovers, flight delays and pure havoc of travel. These experiences have taught me a tip or two about simplifying Spring Break travel.
Lanikai Beach, Oahu, Hawaii
- Wear comfortable clothes that still look cool. I like to wear my most comfy jeans with my metal-free, flat buckle sized to fit belt, so I can saunter straight through airport security and not have to nude up in the TSA line. Jeans are usually the heaviest article of clothing, so wearing them allows me to pack an extra pair of flip flops and alternate bathing suit in my luggage. Also, please avoid clothing that looks like pajamas. You won’t get respect at the airport if it looks like you just woke up. You never know when you might accidentally get bumped up to First Class and you don’t want to look like a bum in seat 1A. Trust me on this.
- Travel light. Bring the regulation size carry-on, but leave room for some souvenirs—because you know you can’t live without that groovy pooka shell necklace and the t-shirt from “The Greatest Beach Bar in the World”. Overpacking is a waste of time and energy. You’re probably going to wear the same thing every day because you’re so relaxed on vacation that showering/primping/blow drying your hair is low (zero) priority.
- Speaking of showering… you’re on vacation to get out of your normal routine. Pools are great substitutes for showers while in the tropics. Spend the day snorkeling, surfing, and spear-fishing, then jump in the pool before taking your afternoon nap! It’s all good and wavy beach hair is all the rage these days—especially flowing out of a rowdy trucker hat.
Jelt trucker hat in British Virgin Islands
Spear fishing in Sayullita, Mexico with Spearmex.
Jack Harter Helicopter Tour Hanalei, Kauai
- Getting home usually sucks, so try to put your game face on and enjoy a Bloody Mary on the flight home. You’re still on vacation, mind you. Do NOT, however, buy the fun hot sauces and spice mixes (like Tajin) at the airport on your way home and put it in your carry on. You still need to go through Customs and then again through U.S. TSA security. I’ve caused my family to miss our connection because they had to field test my spicy purchases at security. Whoops! These things happen and missing connections is all part of holiday travel. Try to remain calm, take a deep breath, have another $22 airport Bloody Mary and know that it’s all going to be okay. These are First World problems. We’re damn lucky to be on Spring Break 2020!!!